The Effect of Relative Strength Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Some Physiological Variables


  • Amal AL Hamad
  • Ibrahim Dabayebeh


Blood flow restriction, Relative strength training


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of relative strength training with blood flow
restriction (BFR) on some physiological variables. The study used the experimental method by the semiexperimental design. Thirteen sports science female students (18.7±1year) volunteered to participate in the
study. They were purposely chosen and randomly assigned to two groups to participate in an exercise program:
the experimental group used elastic band for BFR during training, and the control group did not use them. Both
groups participated in a relative strength exercises program for a period of (12) weeks, (3) training sessions per
week. The training period was 20 minutes. The training program for both groups consisted of exercises for arms
and thighs using body weight, only (BFR) group had elastic bands on the upper part of the limb used during the
exercise. Measurements included physiological variables: Blood Lactate (BL), Growth Hormone (GH), and
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS) indicators. BL, GH were measured every (3) weeks during the
training program, and DOMS indicators after 72h of the first training session. The results showed an increase in
BL and GH for the BFR group (p˂0.05) at different time points in the program. The results indicated the
effectiveness of the exercise program in the BFR group. However, the difference between the two groups was
not apparent. The researchers recommended repeating same procedures and variables using two groups with
higher number of subjects in each group. Furthermore, they recommended carrying out more research in
neurogenic and myogenic strength and the compatibility with an increase of GH using BFR.



How to Cite

AL Hamad, A., & Dabayebeh, I. (2024). The Effect of Relative Strength Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Some Physiological Variables. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(2). Retrieved from


