Treatment of Arab Issues in Television Investigative Reports at ARIJ Network: An Analytical Study


  • Naheda Makhadmeh
  • Qassem Jaber


Investigative Reports, Television Investigative Reports Arab Issues، ARIJ Network, Media Frames, Pass Treatment



The study aimed to identify the topics of Arab issues that treated by ARIJ television investigative reports and how have been treated. by using the descriptive analytical approach, the researchers analyzed the content of all reports from 2015 to 2021, which were 44 investigative reports.

 The results of the study showed that “international issues” came first among all television investigations by ARIJ network (56.8%), and “economic issues” came first in the coverage by (13.6%), The study found that Egypt ranked first among the countries in which investigation reports were conducted (40.9%), and the trend in these investigations was positive (75%), and the most prominent frame used in the investigations were the "conflict frame" (47.7%). In addition, the results showed that emotional forms came first (45.5%), and the investigation templates were “detailed description” (70.5%).




How to Cite

Makhadmeh , N., & Jaber, Q. (2024). Treatment of Arab Issues in Television Investigative Reports at ARIJ Network: An Analytical Study. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(3). Retrieved from


