The Creed and the Islamic Laws between Rooting Correlation and Separation Contexts


  • Ishraq Dayyat
  • Raed Bani Abdul Rahman


Belief, Sharia, \Coherence



This study aims at treating the issue of the rooting of the correlation between the Islamic creed, on the one hand, and and Shari’ah (Islamic Law), on the other hand, with the presentation of the false contexts that came to divide religion and separate this correlation. In order to achieve this goal, the two researchers used in the study the deductive scientific method, collecting texts indicating the reality of the correlation between ((العقيدة, that is, Islamic Faith, and (الشريعة), i.e. Shari’ah, or Islamic religious law. It was found that the two terms, Faith and Shari’ah, originated in the distinction made in Islamic jurisprudence texts between (Iman: ايمان) and (Islam: اسلام). The investigation showed some damgerous factors that impacted the practical application of these two elements of the creed and led to separating them from each other. These factors include the materialistic explanation of Sharia to empty it of its doctrinal content, the appearance of the sect of the Mu’tazilites within the Islamic environment, and an influential factor outside the Islamic environment, which is the phenomenon of Orientalism.




How to Cite

Dayyat , I., & Bani Abdul Rahman, R. (2024). The Creed and the Islamic Laws between Rooting Correlation and Separation Contexts. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(3). Retrieved from


