The Reward of Corrupt Worship A Fundamental Analytical Study


  • Safia 'Al-Share


Reward, Worship, Corruption



This research is a fundamental and analytical study of the issue of reward for corrupt worship, whether the corruption resultant from the defect of a condition or pillar, or the performance of a prohibited deed that invalidates the worship, or because of the prohibition on worship, or because worship is associated with a forbidden deed. The research concluded that most jurists who treated the issue of corruption of worship resulting from the flaw of a pillar or condition have established the reward for it. As for the worship that is forbidden, or associated with a forbidden deed; the disagreement between the jurists was strong in judging them to be valid firstly, and then to prove the reward. The Hanafis were more than broad in proving the reward, while the Hanbalis were far narrower. The Malikis and Shafi’stand between the two. The research concluded that, even if worship is corrupt or forbidden, that does not prevent the reward from being approved, unless the person intends to manipulate or contradict the legislator’s command, but thev reward for corrupt worship is hardly equal to the reward of correct worship. This view is supported by the texts of the Shari’a and its general rules and purposes.




How to Cite

’Al-Share, S. (2024). The Reward of Corrupt Worship A Fundamental Analytical Study . Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(3). Retrieved from


