The Deviation of Poetic Significance A Study of the Structure of Poetic Language According to Ibrahim Ibn Al-Abbas


  • Sahar Al Jadallah
  • Ahlam Massd


structure of poetic language, Ibrahim Ibn Al-Abbas, deviation of signified, Arabic poetry Column



This study proceeds by looking at the deviation of poetic significance in the poetry of Ibrahim ibn al-Abbas within the framework of the structure of poetic language, and that is via the estrangement of the signified from what is customary and accepted in the column of Arabic poetry as inherited from previous generations, and the exaggeration and enlargement of signification sometimes to the extent of necessitating deep thinking and additional contemplation. Al-Abbas was able to break the inherited semantic system with his faculty, which adapted the language and made it meet the requirements of his creative self and at the same time to some extent take into account the requirements of the criticism circle of his time.

This study researches the deviation of signified by the poet in his various poetic purposes, in attempt to offer a new productive reading through reflecting the hidden signified behind the language of the text by standing on the unexpected, the paradoxical and the opposite that nourishes the significance making it unique and strange, thus breaking the horizon of the reader’s expectation, and creating the aesthetic pleasure; the pleasure of poetry. Moreover, any true reading of a text depends on the reader, who in turn is governed by his inventory and competence in re-experiencing the text anew and exploring its world.




How to Cite

Al Jadallah, S., & Massd, A. (2024). The Deviation of Poetic Significance A Study of the Structure of Poetic Language According to Ibrahim Ibn Al-Abbas. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(1). Retrieved from


