The Impact of Short-Term Rest and Its Special Contents on the Working Memory Quality of the Level of Retention of Vertical Jump and Shooting in Basketball


  • Salamah Al-Majali
  • Maysaloon Al-Shadeedah


Short-term memory, Retention, Basketball


This study aimed to investigate the impact of short-term rest and its spiecal on contents working
memory quality of the level of retention of vertical jump and shooting in basketball. The study
population the Arthadox Sport Clube, the study employed the quasi- experimental design as it was
suitable to the nature and procedures of the study. The sample of the study was selected purposefully
and consisted of (60) basketball players, representing (77%) of the total population of the study. The
players were evenly and randomly assigned into (3) even groups, each consisting of (20) basketball
players. The first group included the age group (12-12.9), the second group included the (13-13.9) age
group, while the third one include the (14-14.9) age group. Equivalence between the three groups with
respect to the examined variables was established.
The researchers employed different tests to measure vertical jump retention and shooting accuracy
in basketball. Players were given short-term rest periods of (30sec) and (90sec) and within -recess
activities (motor, mental). The results of the study found statisticalay significant differences between
(30sec) and (90sec) rest periods in vertical jump accuracy retention and shooting accuracy retention in
basketball, in favor of (30sec) recess. There were no statistically significant differences between motor
and mental tasks and between the age groups (12-12.9; 13-13.9; 14-14,9) in vertical jump retention
accuracy and shooting retention accuracy in basketball. The study recommended the need for more
attention to focus on motor skills training repetition after short-term recess not exceeding (30sec).



How to Cite

Al-Majali, S., & Al-Shadeedah, M. (2024). The Impact of Short-Term Rest and Its Special Contents on the Working Memory Quality of the Level of Retention of Vertical Jump and Shooting in Basketball. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(2). Retrieved from


