The Effect of Listening to Favorite Music during Aerobic Running on the Middle - distance Performance Time for Advanced players and Beginners of Both Sexes


  • Amal Al –Zoubi


Favorite music, Aerobic running, Advancd players. Beginners, Performance time.


This study aimed to know the effect of listening to favorite music while running in the air on the time of performance of middle-distance competitions for advanced and beginners of both sexes.They were divided into four groups, (12) advanced national team players, (12) junior university players, (10) advanced national team female players, and (10) junior university players, where the group of male players applied the pre-test to measure the time of adistance of (1500m) and groups of male players measured the of a distance of (800m),without listening to music After (5) days, the post measurement. was applied with music. and the data was statistically processed using the (SPSS) program.The results of the study showed that there is an effect of listening to music on the level of running performance for middle - distance competitions for male and female players, in favor of the post measurement,The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences for the effect of listening to music on the performance time of middle-distance running among advanced players and beginners of both sexes in favor of advanced players male and femal players, and based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends coaches, athletes and traditional practitioners to think about listening to music while planning training programs, especially beginners, to improve and enhance the performance of players.



How to Cite

Al –Zoubi, A. (2024). The Effect of Listening to Favorite Music during Aerobic Running on the Middle - distance Performance Time for Advanced players and Beginners of Both Sexes. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(2). Retrieved from


