The Effect of an Inhibitor Gymnastic Program on Selected Motor Abilities and Social Skills Among autistic Spectrum Disorder Children


  • Oday Alsheyab
  • Hussein Abu Alruz
  • Zeyad Alzeoud


Inhibitor gymnastics, Motor abilities, Social skills, Autistic spectrum disorder



This study aimed to identify the effect of inhibitor gymnastics program on chosen motor-abilities,
as well as on selected social skills of autistic children. The researchers used the experimental approach
in one of its forms represented by one experimental group due to its suitability to the nature and
objectives of the study. The study population consisted of autistic children at Wasan Center for Autism
and Special Education in Irbid, who are (43) children and the sample was chosen purposively the
consisted of (10)autistic children tha researchers, used motor-abilities measure and social-skills measure
as the tool of study. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to calculate
mathematical averages and standard deviations, sample specifications and non-parametric testing ware
used to calculate differences between pre and post measurements, and Spearman’s correlation
coefficient/rank was used to identify correlation coefficient between children's scores on test of motor
abilities and test of social skills. The most important results of the study showed that there is a positive
effect of the inhibitor gymnastics program on the development of motor abilities and social skills for
autistic children, as it showed that there is no effect of shuttle run test on developing social skills for
autistic children. Accordingly, the study recommends need to apply programs of motor-abilities in
centers for people with special needs and autistic children which are suitable for their ages and motor



How to Cite

Alsheyab, O., Abu Alruz, H., & Alzeoud, Z. (2024). The Effect of an Inhibitor Gymnastic Program on Selected Motor Abilities and Social Skills Among autistic Spectrum Disorder Children. Abhath Al-Yarmouk Humanities & Social Sciences Series, 32(2). Retrieved from


